Raising sons can be a challenging yet rewarding experience

As a parent, it’s important to understand that your son’s upbringing will have a significant impact on the kind of adult he becomes. That’s why it’s so important to start with the end in mind. Begin to think about the dreams you have for your son- the type of husband and father you want him to be- how you want him to treat his friends and others. We know that for many parents raising sons is a different experience and we want to equip you with the tools and resources to raise emotionally happy, healthy, and whole boys.

Resources & Support for You

Raising Sons
with Dr. Richelle Whittaker

Welcome to the Raising Sons Podcast! This platform originated as a space for moms of color to connect and share unique experiences. We’ve since rebranded and are now the Raising Sons Podcast.We still believe that “Knowledge is Power” and we’ll be discussing everything that comes with raising healthy and happy young men.