How to Educate Your Children about Black Lives Matter

During the George Floyd protests that brought millions of Americans together in the summer of 2020, an exchange between three black men ages 16, 31, and 45 went viral.

“In 10 years, you’re going to be right here, too, and [what] I need y’all to do right now, at 16, is come up with a better way … how we’re doing it – it ain’t working.”

Curtis Hayes Jr., activist from Charlotte, North Carolina, is the man seen pleading with the 16-year-old. He later explained on Good Morning America that he used to be that young man and he will soon be the older man, too.

Three generations all asking for the same things. Three generations still protesting for the same things. Asked for by generation after generation in America: equality and justice.

While the fight continues, it is on us as parents to share the same message with our own children. The black history that we celebrate did not come easy. And it will continue to be a struggle. The hope that we do have is being forged through the Black Lives Matter movement.

In his Good Morning America interview, Mr. Hayes tells young people not to let their anger and confusion turn into rage. Instead, he urges education and understanding.

Help your children learn the laws. Help them learn their rights. It is important to never forget where we came from but is also important to give them the vision of where we can still go.

Another piece of advice from Mr. Hayes: always tell your children how valuable they are.

Make sure they know they are more than worthy of love and equality. Make sure they know that despite the injustice that is still in their way they deserve more than what is being offered. Make sure they know that they are the future.  

Teach your children about Black Lives Matter and help them be the cause for change.


Teaching Your Kids about Black History Month